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How To Decide If You Need A DWI Attorney

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If you have been charged with driving while intoxicated, you might feel as though your life is over. You might worry that your driver’s licence will get revoked, which could make it harder for you to get to work. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to deal with any of these negative repercussions if you are able to get a good attorney that specializes in defending those who have been charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI).…

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3 Ways To Avoid Road Rage

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Spending time behind the wheel of your vehicle can cause tension. If you regularly feel that you get angry while driving, that anger could lead to road rage (and potential legal problems). Statistics show that half of all drivers who are the target of road rage retaliate with aggressive behaviors of their own.  Here are three simple things you can do to avoid becoming involved in a potentially dangerous road rage incident in the future.…

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Can Your Use Of Social Media Be Criminal?

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It’s probably no surprise that 91% of adults use social media regularly. What might surprise you is how often those social media accounts end up handing prosecutors the evidence needed to convict those adults of one or more crimes. In some cases, social media is one of the tools that they use to actually commit a crime. How can you end up committing a crime over social media? Consider the following examples.…

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