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Possible Penalties For Infecting Somebody With An STD

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In many states, (knowingly) infecting someone with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is a criminal offense attractive various charges. If you are facing such an accusation, then it is good to know the possible sentences should you be convicted. Depending on your state, you may be: Registered as a Sex Offender In some states, you will be registered as a sex offender if you are convicted of affecting another person with an STD.…

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Why Two Separate Murder Cases Received Completely Different Outcomes

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There are all kinds of criminal cases throughout America, and if you’re caught breaking the law, odds are you’ll have to deal with some sort of punishment as a result. For most criminal offenses, it can be understandable to guess why the penalty may differ– for example, scraping someone’s car while you’re driving under the influence will have a lighter punishment than if another driver were to die under the same circumstances.…

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How To Behave If You Get Pulled Over For A Traffic Violation

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Getting pulled over for a traffic infraction is a common occurrence. You should behave like a rational adult if you don’t want to make things worse for yourself. This means you can’t try to argue your way out of the ticket or act in a hostile manner – which could possibly lead to other charges and your arrest. Here is how you can help yourself when dealing with an officer of the law.…

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